Raised from Scratch

growing up outside the box: alternatives to processed food and television

Momma’s Morning Smoothie with Maca Boost April 7, 2013

Filed under: Breakfast,Gluten Free,Smoothies — annalope @ 3:07 pm
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What’s a better way to start your day than a poke in the eye and a toddler tugging the warm covers off your still exhausted body? This smoothie. Thanks to the Maca powder it will help balance some of those crazy unpredictable hormones that come along with motherhood (okay, womanhood) and make it a little easier to find your smile at whatever ungodly hour your human alarm clock has razed your slumber. Maca is a superfood grown in the Andes mountains and is known to support hormone balance, energy and libido. It has a sweet malt flavor that’s quite tasty in smoothies or a glass of almond milk.

Momma’s Morning Smoothie

8 oz unsweetened almond milk

1 banana, peeled and frozen

1 t. maca powder

¼ t. cocoa nibs (or substitute a little cocoa powder or 2 coffee beans)

2-3 T. almond butter

Generous sprinkle nutmeg

2 ice cubes (or more, depending on desired consistency)

Blend well. If you like it sweeter, add a little honey or agave nectar.

Sorry, no picture of the smoothie, but I did snap a picture of my little Ella enjoying my coffee as soon as I looked away. And for the record she rarely pokes me in the eye anymore 😉

Angel Ella steals coffee


2 Responses to “Momma’s Morning Smoothie with Maca Boost”

  1. Mary Says:

    I love this blog! This smoothie sounds delightful! I’m also happy to hear your eyes are mostly safe from little toddler fingers these days. And I absolutely loved reading of the Princess dilema … I have always feel the same…princesses I always found were pouty little wussie girls waiting around for someone else to save them, in their perfect little pink dresses in lace with no ripps of course, with their perfect hair…just a load! I mean…seriously..get off their pretty pink little butts and save themselves! I loved reading of the paper bag hippy princess who told her prince not so charming to piss off as she danced happily and freely away. 🙂 yes…there is hope for this next generation! Ella is absolutely beautiful! I enjoy reading many of these vegan recipes! I knew I’d love your blog girl. Keep rockin it.

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